Saturday, January 28, 2012

The twins

Hey Jammers! Me and my friend Cookies1211 look like twins on our bunnies, We never ment to do so, it just randomly happened. Here is an image:
The bestest friends imaginable! =)

My rares so far

Hey Jammers, I want to show you guys my few rares I have. I'm not trying to brag or anything. Here is in image:
Not many huh?
I have: 1.) Horned Leg pads, 2.) Red fancy hat 3.) Freedom cape 4.) Blue foxhat 5.) Scary horns 6.) Freedom hat 7.) Blue fancy hat 8.) White and red bow and arrows 9.) Blue nonmember glove 10.) White nonmember glove 11.) Grey bow and arrows and finally another freedom hat.
Well if you have a light blue foxhat I will trade it for my blue foxhat and if you want any of these iems let me know and we'll make an arangement. See ya on AJ and JAM ON!

Wolka Generations

Hey Jammers! I haven't posted in a while but now I will post more. So today I am going to talk about a jammer I just met today: Wolkagenerations! I haven't actually got to know her but she seems really nice. She says she likes my blog. I hope others do too. She seems very nice and cool and friendly! Maybe you should meet her. I heard she has a blog and I can't wait to see it! Here's an image of her only animal:                                                       
Yours truly                                                            Fauna Shycloud