Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Trading session?

Hey Jammers! Today when I was in Jamaa I saw this HUGE crowd of Jammers. I didn't exactly know what they were doing so I just went along, but there was alot of trading going on. Hmmm. I wonder...

Well that's it for now. Short post, I know.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sharing an account

Howdy Jammers! Today I will tell you something VERY important. I am sharing an account with my best friend, Cookies1211. She was recently hacked, and I felt horrible! And I mean horrible! So, being an amazing friend that I am (just kidding!), I offered to share my accounr with her. It was my Easter present to her.We share a horse and the endangered monkey. So for no confusion of any sort my animals are:
Incredible Cutewolf
Infinity Icypenguin
Daredevil Cutedolphin

Incredible Alienbunny

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monkeys are endangered!

Hey Jammers! As most of you know, MONKEYS ARE GOING TO DISAPPEAR from Jamaa! Horrifying isn't it? We must save our furry little friends from being gone! So, grab a monkey today before they go out into extnction!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hehe little free time koe of mine

Hey Jammers! Today I will like to share one of my favorite sayings. I randomly go up to people and I ask:
And then they respond: Uh I don't know what? And then I say:
It's peanut butter jelly time! :D Haha if I get a chance (atually I already did) I went up to a bunch of random epope and asked this. Well that's all bye! Jam On!

2 new items

Hey Jammers! There are TWO new items for TODAY. One is:
 The pricess carridge in EPIC WONDERS

And the heart balloon which were very rare before but now members can buy them.
Well that's it for today Jammers. Jam On!

Monday, February 6, 2012

First Rare Monday!

Hey Jammers! Today is the first Monday for AJ's new "Rare Mondays". For this "Rare Monday" AJHQ has chosen the famous GLOVES. Nonmembers can only have white.
 They cost 2,500 gems. So hurry because they only last TODAY! They are on the fifth page of the clothing store :)